Photo shows Ken Reeves, newly re-elected mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts, with supporter and City of Cambridge employee, Zelma Evelyn. The contender beaten by Reeves, E. Denise Simmons, is lesbian. See full story.
For too long LGBTs have been written out of history by the prevailing heterosexist, Judeo-Christian moralists in their attempt to create a false "purity." Similarly, the chauvinists are trying to defend "Jamaican masculinity," claiming that homosexuality is un-Jamaican, un-black, white man's corruption, etc. When there are no countervailing images or messages in the popular media, then people, critically impressionable young LGBTs, get a warped view of themselves.
Blacks are quick to claim their own achievers throughout history; Jamaicans claim with pride their nationals who excel all over the diaspora. As LGBT Jamaicans, we can do the same. Information is now readily available so it will become increasingly difficult not to know, unless one chooses to be deaf and blind. It does require, though, that we become vigilant and act promptly to correct media distortions and abuses.